Product Description
- Taste: smokey sweet, mild, buttery, rich
- Texture: tender, moist, delicate, snow-white meat, large flake
- Source: Antarctic, Southern Indian Ocean
- Catch Method: deep-set longlines
- Availability: year-round
- Sustainability Rating: Good Alternative (South Africa, Antarctic and Southern Indian Ocean: Prince Edward Islands) - Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch
- Recommended Preparation: eat as is
- Pack Size: by the pound
- Nutritional Info (serving size 1/2 pound) Calories 250, Fat 4.5g, Cholesterol 93mg, Sodium 1150mg, Carbohydrates 0g, Fiber, 0g, Sugars 3g, Protein 45g, Calcium 0mg, Iron 0mg, Potassium 509mg, Vitamin A 0mg, Vitamin D 0 UI, Omega 3's 1560mg
Smoked Chilean Sea Bass melts in your mouth with its smokey-rich, slightly sweet, buttery, and mild flavor. The high oil content of the Chilean Sea Bass makes it ideal for hot-smoking. We use alder because it is mild and allows the taste of the fish to shine through. This product is incredible.